About the Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health

Envisioning a circumpolar world where children, families and communities are empowered through knowledge to achieve better health.

The Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health (CSCH) is a charitable organization that promotes research, shares knowledge, raises awareness and boosts responsiveness to the health issues of circumpolar people. We also promote and support all circumpolar peoples in their efforts to attain better health.

CSCH is actively involved in planning and organizing the International Congress for Circumpolar Health, which is held every three years. The 18th International Congress on Circumpolar Health will be held in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada on June 18-20, 2024.


Through partnership and networking, the CSCH will promote research, exchange knowledge and foster greater awareness and response to the health issues of circumpolar people.


  • Respect for circumpolar populations, traditional knowledge and the environment

  • Integrity in our actions

  • Responsibility and accountability to our members and to circumpolar populations

  • Inclusiveness and openness in conducting our work
  • Relationship with the community, health care providers and health policy research

Strategic Directives

  • Facilitate partnerships and networking in circumpolar health at the local, national and international levels.

  • Establish principles and a model for community-based research specific to circumpolar health.

  • Promote circumpolar health research and share health research priorities.

  • Enhance the exchange of circumpolar health knowledge among individuals, communities and people.

  • Foster a greater interest and awareness of the health issues of circumpolar people.


The Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health (CSCH) bylaws detail how the organization is structured and outlines internal procedures, including the rights and obligations of members and the duties of the Executive Officers. The bylaws were last updated in 2012.

Contained within the Atlas of Canada’s Reference Map Series, 1961 to 2010, is a revised bilingual map which was produced as a special product for the International Polar Year. It was produced from the Atlas of Canada Reference Map, MCR0001, North Circumpolar Region (2008). Its round shape shows detail from north of 55 degrees latitude.

Natural Resources Canada