Call for Abstracts
We are now accepting abstracts for presentations at the 18th International Congress on Circumpolar (ICCH18). Please submit original work on any aspect of circumpolar health, from any field of research or practice.
ICCH18 welcomes submissions that seek to share knowledge and discuss innovative community-based programs, health and social service projects, models of care, approaches to teaching and learning, and research that is completed or in progress. We encourage submissions from community organizations, clinicians, researchers, Elders and youth, service providers, graduate students and trainees, and others in the global Circumpolar health community. We are especially interested in abstracts related to the congress themes.
Abstract Submission Form
Delegates are welcome to submit original work for oral or poster presentations, panel discussions or workshops on any aspect of circumpolar health, from any discipline. All abstract submissions will undergo peer review. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged, and priority in the selection and scheduling will be given to abstracts from Indigenous presenters and residents of Circumpolar/Northern regions.
Conference Themes
We welcome abstracts that address one or more of the following conference themes:
Human Health and Security
Examples of topics within this theme include human rights, Indigenous rights, climate change, One Health, pandemics, geopolitics, and disinformation.
Structural, Environmental, and Social Determinants of Health
Examples of topics within this theme include: health, social, and economic policies and laws; health of lands, waters, and animals; food, housing, and energy security; discrimination.
Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Reclamation
Examples of topics in this theme include: Indigenous knowledge; Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit; traditional healing; cultural identity; cultural approaches to health and healing; intergenerational knowledge sharing; and decolonizing education
Health and Social Care
Examples of topics within this theme include health services, clinical care, social services, land-based and community-based programming, innovative interventions, emergency preparedness, public health.
Family and Community Wellness
Examples of topics within this theme include maternal and child health, Elder health, youth health, mental health, risk and protective factors, and population health.
Governance and Research Methodologies
Examples of topics within this theme include self-determination, public policy, data sovereignty, Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies, research ethics, research governance, and community-based research.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts previously presented at regional, national or international meetings will be considered.
Eligibility Criteria
Abstracts must meet the following criteria to be eligible for peer review:
Submitted by abstract deadline (to be determined)
Submitted electronically via the ICCH18 website form
Abstract length: maximum 300 words, not including title, author names and affiliations, or contact info
Preferred presentation format is specified (note: preferred format is not guaranteed)
Conflicts of interest are disclosed
Submission in any language is welcome
Co-authors are confirmed prior to submission
Presenting author is registered for the day the presentation is scheduled
Formatting Requirements
Follows submission guidelines for preferred format
All co-authors and primary affiliations are listed
Author names or affiliations must not appear in the body of the abstract.
Please avoid using jargon, acronyms, and specialized language in the abstract. Instead, write for a knowledgeable general audience.
No references, tables/figures, illustrations, footnotes, or equations are to be submitted
Submitting authors accept responsibility for abstract content
Peer Review
Each eligible abstract will undergo peer review
Priority will be given to submissions from Northern and Indigenous participants.
The Program and Scientific Committee will assign accepted abstracts to a presentation format based on quality, relevance to circumpolar health and author preference
Presenters may be offered poster presentation in lieu of an oral presentation if space is limited
Abstracts submitted by April 15th will undergo peer review and will receive a notice of decision in July 2024. Abstracts submitted after April 15th will be notified in August 2024.
There is no limit on the number of abstracts a presenter may submit. However, if multiple abstracts are accepted, the program committee may ask presenters to rank preferred abstracts due to limited space.
All accepted abstracts will be published online in the congress program and in a special issue of the International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
Presentation Formats and Submission Guidelines
Oral presentations may share results from an ongoing or completed research project, describe a new community program, examine a service or policy, or present an approach to clinical education.
They may be presented in the following formats:
- Standard (10 minutes to present, 5 minutes for Q&A)
- Rapid Fire (5 minutes to present, 10 minutes for Q&A).
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words, and must include the following headings:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliations
- Contact information (email) for presenting/corresponding author
- Presentation format preference (standard or rapid fire)
- Conference theme (identify a theme that aligns with your presentation)
- Abstract, 300 words max (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion)
- Indigenous community or partner involvement (100 words max)
- Conflicts of interest
Poster presentations may share results from an ongoing or completed research project, describe a new community program, examine a service or policy, or present an approach to clinical education.
Posters will be presented during a dedicated poster and networking session at ICCH18.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words, and must include the following headings:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliations
- Contact information (email) for presenting/corresponding author
- Presentation format preference (poster)
- Conference theme (identify a theme that aligns with your presentation)
- Abstract, 300 words max (Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion)
- Indigenous community or partner involvement (100 words max)
- Conflicts of interest
Panel presenters are encouraged to discuss new concepts, address unanswered questions or debates, and/or highlight challenges in carrying out research, practice, and education.
The panel discussion format can vary, and authors are encouraged to explore innovative and interactive formats.
Panel discussions are 60 minutes.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words, and must include the following headings:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliations
- Contact information (email) for presenting/corresponding author
- Presentation format preference (standard or rapid fire)
- Conference theme (identify a theme that aligns with your presentation)
- Abstract, 300 words max (Background, Learning Objectives, Intended Audience, Activities/Teaching methods Outcome)
- Indigenous community or partner involvement (100 words max)
- Conflicts of interest
- Special requests/equipment and space needs
Workshops are highly interactive and should focus on skill development, discussion for consensus building, and active participation.
The workshop format should include at least 40 minutes of active participation.
Workshops will be 60 minutes.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words, and must include the following headings:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliations
- Contact information (email) for presenting/corresponding author
- Presentation format preference (standard or rapid fire)
- Conference theme (identify a theme that aligns with your presentation)
- Abstract, 300 words max (Background, Learning Objectives, Intended Audience, Activities/Teaching methods Outcome)
- Indigenous community or partner involvement (100 words max)
- Conflicts of interest
- Special requests/equipment and space needs
Specialized workshops are highly interactive and should focus on skill development, discussion for consensus building, and active participation.
The workshop format should include at least 60 minutes of active participation.
Specialized workshops will be 90 minutes.
They will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts may be a maximum of 300 words, and must include the following headings:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliations
- Contact information (email) for presenting/corresponding author
- Presentation format preference (standard or rapid fire)
- Conference theme (identify a theme that aligns with your presentation)
- Abstract, 300 words max (Background, Learning Objectives, Intended Audience, Activities/Teaching methods Outcome)
- Indigenous community or partner involvement (100 words max)
- Conflicts of interest
- Special requests/equipment and space needs
If you have any questions about abstract submissions or ICCH18, please email us at